Lincoln Black
Played by Collin
Ambition: Bring Gary Home.
Have a talk with Gigi. - Desire
Lincoln shares a haven with his coterie - located in Under Augustine. Also, the Camarilla believes the coterie is using the old Yallaha Estate as their Haven.
Lincoln has allied himself with Killian Ashe, One-Eyed Bob, Theo Rune, and Professor Masters. He has ties to the Lonely Ones and the San Augustin Police, though he is not generally liked by them.
Lincoln is Blood Bound (1) to both Eddie Ducaigne and The Beast (his Camarilla contact).
Lincoln's 1-Dot Contact is Becky Shepherd, an SAPD Dispatch Officer who believed in his mission to clean up the streets.
His 1-Dot Mawla is Cassidy Ferrer, the Ventrue Primogen.
Lincoln's connection to the coterie has put him at odds with the Camarilla, but they are not enemies yet.
Deacon - Savage Garden.
Eddie - Sheriff (Hot Sundress Girl).
Breeze owns Asylum.
All-Night Guns & Ammo (Dingo Buckshot).
Madame Silvane - Tremere.
Humanity 5 (-1 to Humans, No Blush of Life).
Envy Blood (Girl, Chewbacca Hair, Glasses, and a Camera Tattoo (Katherine Villa in the University Film Department).
Thin-Blood Bitches (the Harpies)
Whitney, Wendy, Wednesday, and Winter
Barbara Rowland (who also mugged Killian once), is a former informant, who ruined Lincoln's life and corrupted his former partner, Brian Frasier (her lover), who Lincoln killed.
dj_envy (Envy Maddow, a DJ at Asylum is an ex-girlfriend of Lincoln's.
Lincoln feels like he abandoned Gary Black (Touchstone), his son, to the foster care system when he was incarcerated. Gary is kept safe by his foster mother, the Wiccan Teacher Gigi Hollar and her wife Carol Dietlan.
Lincoln feels like he owes Madame Silvane (the psychic fortune teller) for revealing that it was his partner that killed his wife.
Lincoln also regrets that he couldn't save Jamie Savok, a now homeless vet who was a former squadmate in the service. For his part Jamie has been getting help from Pastor Jimmy at Faith-Life Center Ministry.