Hunting Difficulty 4

East of the San Sebastian River, West of Massacre Bay, North of Bridge Street, South of West Castillo Drive...

When most visitors think of San Augustin, it's the Historic District their thinking of. The classic hotels, the University, the Cathedral, Under Augustine. This is the part of San Augustin that most people fall in love with. At night, it's the most densely populated, and so the most popular among kindred.

Downtown, the biggest attractions to the average Kindred are the Cafe Alcazar - which serves as Elysium; the Plaza - which is often populated with kine which forces a peace to protect the Masquerade; and Saint George's Row - which is one-part Rack and one-part late-night shopping center - complete with a criss-cross of 18th and 19th-century alleys and side streets - making it a brilliant spot for hunting.