Hunting Difficulty 6
When news reports tout the inevitability of urban decay, and moral depravity, and the dangers of San Augustin, it's the city's Westside that they focus on, and - more often than not - blow out of proportion and take out of context. West of Masters Drive and South Dixie Highway, and East of Holmes Blvd, from State Road 16 south to 207 is the cultural heart of San Augustin in the modern nights.
West Augustine is in a seemingly perpetual state of urban decay. The reluctance of developers to break from tradition and the resistance of inhabitants to racist notions of "urban renewal" have kept San Augustin's Westside out of focus for the tourists and developers and the people with money.
There are problems in West Augustine, but no more so than other urban centers. For kindred, this is a boon. Tourists tend to be too frightened to venture west of US1, because of the exaggerated tales of street gangs and meth labs and crack dens. The local kine are - on the whole - no more dangerous than anywhere else in the old city; but their reputation makes them seem so.