Drake Porter MD
Dr. Drake is a Flagler Hospital ER doctor with a winning bedside manner, a talent for ferreting out complicated problems, and a willingness to bend the rules if it means helping someone. He works in the Emergency Room four nights a week and volunteers at the Free Clinic two nights a week.
Dr. Drake speaks English and Spanish.
Abilities: Wits 4, Composure 3, Resolve 3, Intelligence 2, Stamina 2.
Skills: Academics 5, Athletics 2, Brawl 3, Drive 2, Etiquette 4, Insight 7, Investigation 8, Leadership 3, Medicine (Trauma Care) 8, Persuasion 3, Politics 3, Science (Biology) 5, Subterfuge 2, Technology (Medical) 4.
Advantages: Allies 3, Fame (Street) 1, Influence (Street) 3, Resources 3.