Shay Falcon

Ambition: Overcome the Vampiric Condition.

Desire: Expand my understanding of Thin-Blood Alchemy.

Baron of Abbotville

Shaye did her time. In 1832, orphaned at a young age and adopted by a local wise woman, she was a burgeoning hedge-witch, and an accomplished lay scholar. She was inducted into the local Tremere Chantry in Cardiff at the age of 15 and excelled, becoming a ghoul just a few years later. Shaye was a a hard worker and an indespensible servant, which worked against her, in the long run. As the personal ghoul of her Master, Peregrin, and an unofficial Seneschal of the Chantry and the Tremere's domain, she performed every task with competence and aplomb. Her success obstructed her advancement, for who among the up-and-coming recruits could perform as well? In truth, perhaps, lower-ranked Kindred were afraid of her drive and determination, fearful that her natural intelligence and adaptability would outstrip their own.
For a hundred years, she did as she was told, worked so that her kindred masters succeeded at every endeavor - or, at least - strove to ensure that their failures would only be their own. All the while, dedicating herself to her studies, she continued to advance, reasoning that - if she was too good to advance - her only recourse was to become so good that she outperformed her superiors and attracted the attention of those who wouldn't fear her abilities. It was a long road, but she walked it, and in the end it paid off.
Shaye was embraced in 1940 following the death of her master, Peregrin (who was killed by a German bomb, through no mechanations of hers). She took the surname Falcon in his honor; and served the Pyramid in his place for fifty more years - again, dedicating herself to her studies and advancing her understanding of magic and the occult in general and of kindred history and physiology in particular.
In 1996, after the destruction of the San Augustin Chantry and all of its Tremere, Shaye and a few others, were tasked with reestablishing the Clan's presence in the City. At the Chantry in the Old City, Shaye continued her studies, bolstering the Regent and her clanmates as best she could, until the Sabbat attacks in 1999, which saw the destruction of the other Tremere and most of their servants. Shaye, herself, was only saved by the Gargoyle, Rodchester, a recent arrival from Europe and - in the end - a welcome addition.
In the aftermath, she began to rebuild - waiting for instruction from Vienna, which was slow in coming. In 2008, when the Pyramid fell, Shaye and her Gargoyle ally found themselves alone in the city. She embraced her ghoul, Zyta Ceres and began building anew; but by this time, she was disillusioned - dissatisfied with her position as a Tremere in particular, but with the Kindred in general. She feels guilt about forcing the change on her ghoul - who claimed to have wanted it, but was in no position to make an informed decision - and has, herself, begun research into the idea of reversing the vampiric condition.
To this end, a great deal of her studies have been focused on the Thin-Blood population in San Augustin, postulating that the weakened state of their Blood would make the viable candidates for reversing its effects, offering an avenue into the conversion of older, more potent vampires. She has stopped calling them Kindred, except in the most formal circles.



Shaye is Regent of the San Augustin Chantry, located beneath Black Books, across from the Deaf & Blind School in Abbotville. She is rarely encountered outside this location - focused as she is on her study and research.


Through her intermediaries Shaye has garnered influence in the pagan communities in San Augustin, as well as in a number of churches, markets, and libraries. She is known of - if not actual known - as the proprieter of Black Books and a major influence in the local occult community.


Shaye's primary antagonist is the Evangelical preacher, Eliezar White, who has been leading a Christian protest against Black Books and all Occult organizations in the city.


Librarian / Personal Assistant

Research Assistant / Community Liaison


  • Shaye has been working behind the scenes to help ensure the success of the various Thin-Blood groups in the City. She is aware of each one, and keeps tabs on them all, occasionally trading sorcerous favors for information, Vitae, and return favors.


  • The Book of Shadows

    • In an effort to further her dual interests, Shaye would like the Coterie to assist her in keeping tabs on the Thinblood population, helping to bring them into the fold and make them more active - and more accepted - in Kindred Society. She is also testing their loyalty and their ability. Should they fail at either, this ends her questline for them and she fails The Magus.

  • Petit Albert

    • Shaye learns (if she doesn't already know) of Killian's Diablerie. She tasks Killian, and the Coterie to spend time with the Lonely Ones, and to choose one of their number to become her apprentice. If they refuse, this ends her storyline and Shaye fails The Magus. If they choose the wrong Kindred (you know which ones), then Shaye fails The Magus.

  • The Clavicule of Solomon

    • Shaye is willing to trade magical knowledge for information on Daniel Hope (specifically his journals). If the Coterie fails to locate the Journals, then Shaye fails The Magus.

  • The Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy

    • Shaye requires the services of a Salubri. If they are willing to help, they must travel outside the City and convince the Kindred in question to return with them (this will, of course, not be easy). If they refuse, this ends the storyline for the Coterie. If they fail to retrieve the Salubri or if the Salubri does not come willingly, Shaye will fail The Magus.

  • Dragon Rouge

    • Shaye would like the Coterie to approach the Mokole, Gomek and obtain some information. You understand the price of failure or refusal by now.

  • The Sixth and Seventh Book of Moses

    • Shaye, in an attempt to rectify a great many wrongs in her existence, asks the Coterie to perform a number of small, seemingly insignificant and unconnected tasks. Needful Things, but friendly, I guess - even when they don't seem that way. The last task will be to approach the Wolves of the Fountain of Youth Pack and petition their aid.

  • The Magus

    • Shaye wants the Coterie to accompany her to the Fountain of Youth, as either a witness to transmutation, or to remove her remains to the Chantry should she perish.